Chris Berman's reaction to serving as Ralph Wilson Jr.'s presenter

"Fifty years in sports, there’s only one constant – Ralph Wilson is the owner of the Buffalo Bills. What Mr. Wilson has done for pro football and for the city of Buffalo and Western New York, it’s hard to put into words. He remains in it for the same reasons he got into it in 1959 – he loves the game of football, and that’s apparent in everything he does. It will be an honor to have a bird’s eye view to watch him be inducted in the Pro Football Hall of Fame, especially this year, in the 50th year of the old American Football League. He’s a man I admire very much and I’m honored to just be there."
Steelers rookies visit Hall of Fame
Drafted and free agent rookies from the Pittsburgh Steelers took a break from the football field and made a two-hour trip to the Pro Football Hall of Fame on Friday.
The Class of 2009 presenters
The group of presenters for the Hall's newest class is now complete after Thursday's announcement by Ralph Wilson, Jr. that Chris Berman will introduce him on August 8 in Canton.<p>The ESPN personality will be joined by a Hall of Fame quarterback, high school athletic director, former NFL team president, assistant coach, and a personal friend.