It’s Your Chance to Win!
By the time you are reading this, I will be on my way to Indianapolis to “work” during Super Bowl week. I will be going with members of the marketing team to help promote the Pro Football Hall of Fame at the NFL Experience. The Hall of Fame brings a piece of football history to Indianapolis by having a large display of artifacts at the NFL Experience. Starting on Wednesday, February 1st, attendees at the NFL Experience will be able to sign up to win a trip to the 2012 Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival and a $1,000 shopping spree! If you won’t be at the NFL Experience, you can also sign up to win the “Canton or Bust” sweepstakes here.
This past week in our Hall of Fame Store we began to receive all of the Super Bowl related items. Even if you are not a fan of the Giants or the Patriots, we have plenty of items that showcase both teams and the Super Bowl logo. You can have your whole wardrobe ready for the game by picking up the popular Super Bowl Dueling Helmet Hat and T-shirt. The black t-shirt goes great with the two-tone black and grey hat with a white bill.
One of the new items we are carrying this year is the Super Bowl Dueling Roster T-shirt. I really like the shirt, because I like being able to see all the players who will be participating in the Super Bowl whether it is a superstar, like Tom Brady, or a lesser known player who will end up making a memorable play (such as David Tyree did with the “helmet catch” with the Giants against the Patriots in Super Bowl XLII).

Now you might be a Giants or a Patriots fan and saying to yourself that you already bought all these Super Bowl related items. No need to worry, the Hall of Fame has you covered. One of my favorite items that the Hall of Fame Store carries is the Team Hall of Fame Legends T-shirt. The front has the team logo, while the back lists all the Hall of Famers from that specific team. It truly is a unique item that you won’t find at your local sports store.

I would like to give one lucky fan the chance to win a Hall of Fame goodie bag. Starting on Wednesday, February 1st, the first person who comes up to the Hall of Fame’s booth at the NFL Experience and says “Justin’s Blog” will be the big winner. I will have your picture taken by the Hall of Fame display and you will be featured in my next blog.
Whether you are enjoying the 80-inch TV, friends, family, food, commercials, or actually the game, I hope everyone has a great time this coming weekend, whatever way you choose to experience Super Bowl XLVI!
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