Canton or Bust: Colts fans wins trip
Published on : 7/10/2011
Ivan Guillermo Vargas is the winner of the Canton or Bust Sweepstakes held by the Pro Football Hall of Fame. As the winner, he and a guest will receive an all-expense paid trip to Canton to attend the 2011 Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival in early August. The grand prize includes tickets to the Enshrinement ceremony, NFL/Hall of Fame Game, tailgate parties, a $1,000 gift card to the Hall of Fame store, plus other items.
“I’m still in shock. I won’t believe it till I see it. It still feels like a joke,” said Vargas after he found out he was chosen as the winner.
He entered the sweepstakes after seeing it on the Hall of Fame’s website while shopping for merchandise.
“After I received the email letting me know I won I thought it was a scam. When I started reading further into it I realized it was legit,” shared the excited winner.
Hall of Fame Weekend will not only be special to Ivan because of all the events he will be attending, but he and his wife will also be celebrating their wedding anniversary on August 5.
“My wife is a football fan so this will be the greatest anniversary present to give her,” he stated.
Vargas, a current Indianapolis Colts season ticket holder, stated he is thrilled to see one of his favorite Colts players, Marshall Faulk, as well as another one of his favorite former players Deion Sanders get enshrined on Saturday, August 6.
The Canton or Bust Sweepstakes drew thousands of entries since it launched in late January.
Check out our Interactive section for the latest contest, blogs, and more>>>
Class of 2011: Dent, Faulk, Hanburger, Richter, Sabol, Sanders, Sharpe>>>
2011 Pro Football Hall of Fame Enshrinement Festival Schedule>>>
Tickets on sale for fan parties during HOF Weekend | Autograph sessions
“I’m still in shock. I won’t believe it till I see it. It still feels like a joke,” said Vargas after he found out he was chosen as the winner.
He entered the sweepstakes after seeing it on the Hall of Fame’s website while shopping for merchandise.
“After I received the email letting me know I won I thought it was a scam. When I started reading further into it I realized it was legit,” shared the excited winner.
Hall of Fame Weekend will not only be special to Ivan because of all the events he will be attending, but he and his wife will also be celebrating their wedding anniversary on August 5.
“My wife is a football fan so this will be the greatest anniversary present to give her,” he stated.
Vargas, a current Indianapolis Colts season ticket holder, stated he is thrilled to see one of his favorite Colts players, Marshall Faulk, as well as another one of his favorite former players Deion Sanders get enshrined on Saturday, August 6.
The Canton or Bust Sweepstakes drew thousands of entries since it launched in late January.
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