Independence Day Discounts
Plan Your Visit
Published on : 6/24/2014
The Pro Football Hall of Fame would like to enhance your Fourth of July weekend by offering TWO great admission discounts.
$4 off - Present this coupon at the Hall of Fame box office and receive $4 off your regular priced adult admission.
Valid 7/4/14 - 7/6/14
Offer does not apply with other promotions, discounts or special events
Receive FREE admission to anyone living in a city named INDEPENDENCE.
Valid 7/4/14 - 7/6/14
Must provide ID or document proving residence
Offer good for up to four per family
Discount 1
$4 off - Present this coupon at the Hall of Fame box office and receive $4 off your regular priced adult admission.

Discount 2
Receive FREE admission to anyone living in a city named INDEPENDENCE.