High School Students visit HOF from Australia
Lachlan White, tour manager of the high school, recognized the impact the game of football has on the United States and wanted his team to learn about the importance of the sport.
“There is no doubt American football is engrained in American culture. We’re interested in embracing culture as part of the tour. Because Americans love watching American football it seems appropriate we watch some football rather than rugby.”
The team received a special presentation on the origin of the game of football from Hall of Fame officials.

“As coaches we look at sport as an avenue to educate boys on how to become men. The challenges and contests helps kids deal with the wins and losses and that teaches about life and how boys can adapt and manage to use those skills in real life,” said White.
The Hall of Fame's Youth/Education department offers educational field trips throughout the school year. The interdisciplinary program is supplemented by pre- and post-visit classroom activities that are aligned with National/Common Core standards of education.
The Heart of a Hall of Famer character series is also offered through the school year. The series provides students the opportunity to interact and learn first-hand from legendary Gold Jackets (aka living Hall of Famers) on what it takes beyond athletic ability to achieve success on and off the football field. Oakland/Los Angeles Raiders legend and punter Ray Guy will be the featured speaker on Dec. 18, 2014.
HOF Gets Amped for Watt Donation
The Pro Football Hall of Fame recently received two pairs of gloves from J.J. Watt's memorable season.
Celebrate Excellence EVERYWHERE: Edition 11
The mission of the Pro Football Hall of Fame is to Honor the Heroes of the Game, Preserve its History, Promote its Values, Celebrate Excellence EVERYWHERE. Each Friday, ProFootballHOF.com features stories from the football world and beyond that illustrate the celebration of excellence!