NFL will not reschedule dates for 2020 NFL Draft
Story Originally Published on Mile High Report - SB Nation (3/27/20)
On Thursday, the NFL confirmed its commitment to hold the 2020 NFL Draft on its originally scheduled dates of April 23-25. It was expected, but the memo all but assures that it will go on as planned. The event will obviously not have any fans or players in attendance and will likely be a made-for-TV style event.
It was the right move from the NFL. Delaying the NFL Draft would not have made much of a difference as even under the best of circumstances, the rescheduled draft would remain a TV-only event. Since delaying offers no benefits, they might as well stick the plan. That was basically the consensus we came to on the Something Something Broncos podcast, but with the draft still month away things could change drastically as the world continues to deal with the coronavirus crisis.
As for the Denver Broncos, John Elway was one of the voices calling for the NFL to postpone the NFL Draft.
“Really, we feel pretty good about where we are,” Elway said earlier this week. “We’d rather have it backed up, so we can get all our scouts and everybody in, but if it’s limited and we can stay there and they’re not going to move the draft, we’re in good shape. I think that one of the reasons why, with I think the coaches not going to the Combine and them spending the whole week here just on the college side, it’s put us way ahead there because we’ve got the coaches’ rankings already. The scouts are already working on next year a little bit to the 2021 summer manual, so we feel like we’re in pretty good shape. If it moves back, great. We’re ready for that. If it doesn’t move, then we’ll be ready for that, too.”
The show must go on as far as the NFL is concerned, but it looks like the Broncos are ready for it. What do you think the NFL should do with the NFL Draft?
NFL family donates $35M-plus for COVID-19 relief
More than $35 million has been donated to date, including $3.4 million from the NFL Foundation as part of the COVID-19 relief efforts.
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Highlighting the members of the 2020 Centennial Class.