Families of Bobby Dillon, Henry Jordan, Vince Lombardi to receive Pro Football Hall of Fame Rings of Excellence 

Hall of Famers Published on : 11/30/2023
  • Packers to celebrate 3 Legends with ceremony during Week 13 

The Pro Football Hall of Fame and Kay® Jewelers, the Official Provider of the Pro Football Hall of Fame Ring of Excellence, will honor three posthumously enshrined Hall of Famers, BOBBY DILLON (Class of 2020), HENRY JORDAN (Class of 1995) and VINCE LOMBARDI (Class of 1971), with a special presentation on Sunday, Dec. 3. 

The three Hall of Famers will be represented by a family member, who will receive their Ring of Excellence: Karen Gooch, Dillon’s daughter; Suzanne Jordan, Jordan’s daughter, and John Lomdardi, representing his father and Coach Lombardi’s son, Vince Lombardi Jr. Hall of Fame Chief Relationship Officer Adrian Allison will be on hand for the ceremony during the Sunday Night Football contest. The Week 13 matchup is scheduled to begin at 8:20 p.m. ET. 

In November 2022, the Hall revised its policy regarding the presentation of the Ring of Excellence to Enshrinees elected posthumously. Previously, only living Hall of Famers received the ring; however under the new policy, members enshrined posthumously receiving a ring are those who are survived by a spouse, an adult child or a parent.  

The Hall of Fame Ring of Excellence is one of three iconic symbols, along with the Hall of Fame Gold Jacket, created by Haggar, and the Bronze Bust, that represent the elite status of being a member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. 

Hall of Fame Ring of Excellence

The spectacular Hall of Fame Ring of Excellence is set in 14K gold with a total diamond weight of 1.75 carats. It is much more than a beautiful piece of jewelry, however. Intricate details on the ring reflect the special significance of enshrinement. 
  • The outer diamonds create a “stadium” effect surrounding the football-shaped diamond center. 
  • The vibrant blue gemstone was selected both for appearance and meaning, as blue is often associated with confidence, power and integrity — all traits of these incredible, legendary football icons. 
  • Each Hall of Fame Ring of Excellence is customized to reflect the unique careers of Dillon, Jordan and Lombardi. The rings will feature a likeness of their Bronze Bust, along with their position and years in the NFL – for Dillon, “Safety” and “1952-1959”; for Jordan, “Defensive Lineman” and “1957-1969”; for Lombardi, “Coach” and “1959-1969” – while their respective last names, the Pro Football Hall of Fame logo and their respective Classes (Dillon – 2020; Jordan – 1995; Lombardi – 1971) are included on the other.
  • Additionally, a special arbormark (or engraving) appears on the inside of the ring – Dillon, 332; Jordan, 177; Lombardi, 67– which is their respective Enshrinee number.